Fat Free Friday: One Joyful Day

For one day, I rejoiced in the fact that I had lost 6.5 lbs.

Then it was over.

It might have been a fluke, but for that one day, I was on top of the world. I don’t know what it is about losing five or more pounds, but it makes me feel invincible. Like the next ten pounds will be a piece of cake.

They are not a piece of cake.

I know I need to try something different, because for the last six weeks, I’ve been dancing with the same four pounds and I’m ready to ditch the dancefloor.

Seeing the win slip away so fast has made this week a little harder. I haven’t felt as motivated. When that happens, I find myself not only losing what little progress I’ve made, but also getting worse.

Consistency is key here. I need to stay on the horse. I will keep making good choices and keep following the lifestyle changes, but now it’s time to incorporate new ones.

I’ve received advice telling me to weigh myself each day, so I can gauge myself and hold back more if I need to. Others have advised me not to weigh myself everyday because it’s too discouraging. What are your thoughts?

My goal is to come up with another strategy, one that challenges me, but also feels doable. I’ll let you know how that goes.

Whenever I embark on a weight loss journey, I find myself nitpicking all my habits and seeing where I fall short in every aspect of my life from biting my nails to my relationship with God. Everything goes under the microscope and I try to change it all in one fell swoop.

Don’t do that. Though I believe it’s wise to be aware of the areas in which I’m lacking, trying to change so much at one time is a recipe for disaster.

That being said, my shortcomings are a good reminder of my sinful nature. Knowing it’s so much harder to do good by my body, my relationships, and my responsibilities makes me realize how much I need to depend on God to help me change.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…

Hebrews 12:1 (ESV)

If I can talk to myself for just a moment… “Leah, the best habit you can adopt is easing off yourself and leaning into God. Then, see what He’s gonna do.”

This is a tough journey, but I want to feel like I did the one day I was down 6.5 lbs. So, I journey on.

Cheers to getting lean while learning to lean in.

Published by Leah Jordan Meahl

I'm a Christian author here to share with you my journey not only as a writer but also most importantly as a Christian who seeks to grow in faith and honor God in all that I do.

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